Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together
Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together
Address: Lakeside Avenue, Portsmouth PO3 6EZ
KS2 Office: 023 9282 4138
KS1 Office: 023 9283 2642
Report your child’s absence: 02392 832 642
Headteacher: Mrs Fran Marshman
SENCO: Mrs Emma Lamb
[email protected]
Chair of Governors: Irene Baldry
[email protected]
The University of Chichester Academy Trust welcomes your enquiries and comments. We are a registered Multi-Academy Trust within England and the company number is 8595545. You can find more information about the Trust by visiting their website:
Please get in touch with us at:
University of Chichester Academy Trust
Upper Bognor Road
Bognor Regis
West Sussex
PO21 1HR
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01243 816 444