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  • Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together

  • Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together

  • Student Leadership

    At Langstone Junior Academy, we believe that our School Council is an important and useful way for us to provide leadership and development opportunities for our pupils.  As a member, you have the voice to propose and take forward initiatives and projects on behalf of your peers, and be involved in strategic planning and processes such as the School Development Plan, governing body meetings and staff appointments.

    At Langstone Junior Academy, we believe that our School Council is an important and useful way for us to provide leadership and development opportunities for our pupils.  As a member, you have the voice to propose and take forward initiatives and projects on behalf of your peers, and be involved in strategic planning and processes such as the School Development Plan, governing body meetings and staff appointments.

    We believe our School Council encapsulates the fundamentals of British Values. Using a democratic system, our members begin as one of many candidates nominated by their peers, followed by a week long election process where candidates can promote themselves using a range of strategies. In the end, we try to mimic our British system by holding a whole-school vote using polling stations.

    Once elected, our meetings aim to develop and empower our members to be positive role models of mutual respect, rule of law and individual liberty by empowering them with a voice. With that voice, our members have the opportunity and responsibility to inspire our pupils to be good and valued citizens within school and the local community. 

    School council elections took place at the end of Autumn 1.  There was a fantastic response from children who wished to be put forward as a candidate and it was a closely fought campaign.  Well done to all pupils who campaigned and to those successful children who have now formed our new council.

    SCHOOL COUNCIL 2023-24


    • 17.04.24
    • 01.05.24
    • 15.05.24
    • Half term
    • 12.06.24
    • 26.06.24
    • 10.07.24


    During Autumn 1, our school council elections took place. There were an overwhelming number of applications and the candidates that were chosen to campaign did extremely well. We’re incredibly proud of everyone that put themselves forward for the school council.

    During out first school council meeting after half term, we explored why their new role was so important and the impact they can make on the school through their hard work.


    Our whole school took part in the “Proud to be Pompey day” where we all wore either blue or something that reminded us of Portsmouth. Some of our school councillors were very lucky and got to meet the Lord Mayor and Mayoress and even got to ask them some interesting questions.


    The school council wrote letters to local shops and other places requesting donations for our festive raffle. They were very successful and that helped us raise £574.60 over both schools.


    We wrote thank you letters to Mr Somerville for his wonderful decorations and hard work with the sensory garden. We even took a tour of the sensory garden so we could see the lovely wood carvings!

    We have also used chrome books to research some different items we would like to include in the sensory garden.


    Our lower school councillors went to the Christmas Tree Festival held at St Cuthbert’s Church. We enjoyed voting for the best trees and taking part in some craft activities. Our school councillors set such a wonderful example, several members of the public told us how impressed they were.


    We joined together with the infant school school councillors and together we planted some sunflower seeds. We then took them home to grow and we will be bringing them back in to plant in our sensory garden once they are fully grown. We hope this adds some colour to our wonderful sensory garden.


    We have been working on creating positive affirmation boxes to support mental health and well being. We have written notes with positive messages that other children can pull out of the box and read if they are feeling down. Our aim is to encourage positivity and support well being for students and staff.