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  • Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together

  • Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together

  • Governing Body


    Members of Langstone Academy Governing Body

    Headteacher Mrs Fran Marshman  
    Parent Governors

    Ms Louisa Hayward

    Data Protection Governor

    Ms Jayalakshmi Vinayaka Attendance Governor

    Governors appointed by Directors /  Local Governing Body

    Mrs Irene Baldry

    Chair, Inclusion/SEND and Curriculum & Standards Governor

    Mrs Daphne Wright Vice Chair, Inclusion/SEND and Curriculum & Standards Governor
    Mr David Stemp Safeguarding Governor
    Mr Joe Blakely  
    Mrs Louisa Perkins  
    Mr Joe Pirrie  
    Staff Governors Mr Chris Wells



    Ms Georgina Chappell
    Clerk Mrs Jennie Pateman    

    All Governors can be contacted via the school or in writing via the school office.

    The Local Governing Body works together with the Headteacher to ensure that the quality of education provided by Langstone Primary Academy meets the needs of all the learners. 

    In order to do this, the Local Governing Body is involved in the life of the school in many ways. They visit the school frequently and support the numerous school functions, as well as attending the half termly formal meetings where they are able to ask challenging questions, provide support and offer knowledge from their own work based skills.

    Minutes of the Local Governing Body meetings are available on request. 

    Governor profiles

    Irene Baldry (Chair of Governors)

    My profession of 30 years has been teaching in schools in Portsmouth.  After 15 years as a class teacher I spent a further 15 years as a Headteacher.  Having retired from the latter position in August 2015, I am privileged to have been appointed Chair of Governors at Langstone Primary Academy and offer a lifelong career in education to the performance of this role.  My aim is to use my knowledge, skills and experience in education to lead the Local Governors in best serving and supporting the school community.  One of my immediate goals is to improve the effectiveness of the work we do as governors in the interests of pupils, staff and all stakeholders in the community.  The overall goal is, by working as a team, to make Langstone Primary Academy a school of excellence where all pupils thrive and reach their full potential.

    David Stemp

    I have been a school governor for Langstone Primary Academy since January 2002. My current role is Safeguarding Governor.  I fully support the school's vision, and I am ambitious for the children to continue to make progress in their learning to become fully rounded citizens as they develop 'self-belief' and experience life skills. It is my pleasure to lead the after-school chess club, which is a popular weekly activity which strengthens the pupils' strategic thinking and is FUN. My interests focus on family, scouting, reading and music.

    Daphne Wright

    I have been extremely fortunate to have spent 43 years in teaching, the last 17 being in Portsmouth schools, and education continues to be my passion. I spent many years as a class teacher and a senior leader before being appointed as a Deputy Headteacher in a large Primary school. I held this post for 10 years before retiring in July 2018.  I hope to bring my experience and expertise in education to the table and support the aims of the school, staff and the Trust to ensure that we, as the local governing body, work hard to achieve the very best for everyone in the school community.