Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together
Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together
WE ARE ALWAYS LEARNING! Distance learning presents incredible challenges and opportunities for teachers, parents and students. This year’s changing circumstances call for great flexibility and resilience as learning moves from home to school and back again. Everyone’s circumstances are different. More focused and independent learning from home is easier for some students and families than others. Even very digitally-savvy young people may struggle with educational technology.
Establish and maintain clear routines – set up a timetable with regular breaks and keep bedtime routines etc. as they would be if they were attending school.
Further advice for parents, guardians and carers on how to support a child/young person if you’re concerned about their mental health from NHS England can be found here:
At Langstone Junior Academy, we aim to develop learners who are reflective, resilient thinkers and challenge themselves in all areas of learning both in and out of school. We believe that children need to develop a skills set that enables them to achieve this and become confident ‘Master Learners’.
Living and working at home, we will all need some room to let off steam. Moving (independently and together as a family) is vital to health, wellbeing, and readiness for learning.
Ask them where do they think they are on the change cycle and how might they move themselves onto the next step of it? See this website for more information:
Ask them where do they think they are on the change cycle and how might they move themselves onto the next step of it? See this website for more information:
You cannot pour from an empty cup. It is vital that you make sure you have the right support to manage your own mental wellbeing during these uncertain times. Being part of the University of Chichester Academy trust our parents/carers have access to our ‘Care First’ package, offering 24/7 support via the website or telephone lines.
The link to Care First is below:
Contact the school office for the username and password
Or you can call Care first for in the moment support on 0808 168 2143 (Freephone number)
Please also be aware that our school staff are here to help guide and support your child. If you feel that you are struggling or feeling overwhelmed, please make contact with your child’s class teacher, Mrs Louise Geall – Home School Link Worker or Mrs Analiese Campbell – Well-Being Lead and we will do our upmost to help and support you as a family.