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  • Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together

  • Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together

  • English


    The aims of the Langstone Curriculum are underpinned by those in the National Curriculum.

    All planning should aim to: develop a holistic approach to English, incorporating aspects – reading, writing and grammar/spelling – in order to reach a specific outcome that enables children to access language that allows them to question and challenge the wider world.

    This should be achieved by:

    • Developing pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and vocabulary as integral aspects of the teaching of every subject.
    • Acknowledging that English is both a subject in its own right and the medium for teaching; for pupils, understanding the language provides access to the whole curriculum.
    • Establishing fluency in the English language is an essential foundation for success in all subjects.


    • We promote the use of talk to generate, organise and collate ideas because our children learn best through reflection and thinking when discussing with their peers. This also establishes respect within the school-wide community of readers who are aspirational and caring.
    • We use class readers to inspire and support the teaching of English using a range of texts to develop our literary heritage, both by looking at classic and modern fiction including poetry because we have found children are reluctant to broaden their reading genre/author. By exposing the children to a range of authors and texts, we are encouraging them to explore different books for themselves.
    • We have allocated a specific time in the school day to allow children to further their enjoyment of reading and provide the opportunity to read to themselves as well as read aloud to an adult because our children engage with texts better when they have developed a love for reading.
    • We look to make links with other learning from the wider curriculum and current affairs to engage and ensure that children make the English skills of writing and reading transferable because we also found engagement is high when learning is purposeful and relevant. This encourages thinking, learning and growing both within and outside of the classroom



    Update February 2024:

    We are currently recruiting pupil School Library Champions. This is open to pupils in Years 5 and 6. Your child’s class teacher will have shared the information with them and made a copy of the application form available. Job applications must be returned to Miss Howard by Friday 9th February. Shortlisting and interviews will be held after half term and successful applicants will be notified by the Easter holidays. This will allow our new school librarian time to create a training programme and work with children in the Summer term.

    Please find below a copy of the job description to support successful applications.

    School Library Champion Job Advert