Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together
Think, Learn, Be Excellent Together
As our children learn and grow in our ever-changing society, it is vital that we provide opportunities for them to develop as confident, self-assured Langstone Learners. By embedding the skills needed to become a resilient, reflective thinker, pupils are proud of their achievements and of their school.
Through P4C discussions and debates, we promote care and respect for one another, our school, local community and wider world whilst valuing others’ ideas and viewpoints. Our PSHE curriculum allows pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, to value British Citizenship and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. This, alongside our RE curriculum, provides opportunities to explore how cultures and events have shaped our own and others heritage and beliefs as an integral part of our learning journey.
With this in mind, we have developed four main aims that demonstrate the focus of our school.
Because we recognise the need to develop pupils who respect and engage with the fundamental British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect. We believe that pupils should grow to become respectful and caring members of our school, wider community and wider world through a curriculum that encourages imagination and creativity whilst encouraging pupils to continuously and independently, reflect on their learning and experiences.
Because we recognise that children need to feel a sense of enjoyment and fascination when learning about themselves, others and the world around them as it will enable them to work and socialise with other pupils, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
Because these skills are fundamental in supporting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils. It is essential that our pupils understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions and use a range of social skills in different contexts. It also allows them to care for, respect, question and challenge the world around them.
Because we recognise that children need ‘real-world’ experiences in order to understand and appreciate the range of different cultures within and outside of school. We aim to develop children who grow up to be caring and respectful members of a community, or social setting, with the confidence to contribute to and react encouragingly to a variety of cultural opportunities.
For SMSC, this learning will mean that by the end of Key Stage 2, children will be equipped with knowledge and understanding of the skills needed to be resilient, reflective thinkers who can question the world around them and face challenge with a positive outlook.
Please find below our PSHE overview of learning for 2022-2023: